
Some links you might find interesting:

Space Farms Zoo & Museum – Great zoo and museum in Sussex, NJ

Museum of Innovation & Science – Great museum and planetarium in Schenectady, NY

Syn Alia Training Systems – Kayce Cover created awesome training for animals

Pember Museum of Natural History – 100+ year old natural history museum in Granville, NY

Feline Conservation Foundation – A non-profit, non-governmental organization that consists of wild feline managers, educators, conservationists, researchers, and all those who support the mission of feline conservation.

Berkshire Bird Paradise – Peter rescues eagles, hawks and other injured or unwanted birds

Turpentine Creek Wildlife Sanctuary – A  great place where two tigers and two leopards went from Flag Acres Zoo

Adirondack Animal Land – Been here and recommend!

Southern Vermont Museum of Natural History – Interesting museum to visit in Marlboro, VT