Barnyard Turns 30

Barnyard turns 30. There is no way to truly tell the age of a bird unless you were there when it hatched! All we can do is go by what the previous owner had told us. Three years ago when I got Barnyard, also known as Burt, we were told mid teens. The vet says she has arthritis in her ankle joints. A zookeeper who took care of Barnyard said she was more like into her late 20’s. So we went with that. May 24th was the day we got her and decided to celebrate her birthday on that day. We took it to the Pember Library & Museum since she travels to work with me once a week. So we had cake, a parrot slideshow, parrot coloring sheets and a parrot museum search. Burt ate cake! We all ate cake. There was so much cake that we pushed it on the attendees to take home and anyone else we could find. There is cake in my freezer and refrigerator. I preferred the chocolate but since that isn’t good for an animal, Burt got the yellow. Here are some photos of the festivities. Thanks to the Library Director Ardyce Bresett for letting us take over half the library.