The Passing of Friends

It is never easy talking about the death of your animal, your friend, your beloved one. 2014 began with the death of two of my animals. Pedro ST Opossum passed February 26 and Jill Degu on March 16. You can find their memorial pages under the heading “In Memory.” It took me three months to get up the strength to write about Jill. Need I say, tears were shed anyways.

Pedro and Jill have been buried in our pet cemetery where many others lie except Bella Hamster. An animal dug her up and ran off with her two days after being buried. Well, it is the cycle of life! There are many memories of my animals and since lifespans are short with small exotics, I can expect a few more to pass this year. It is something I am not looking forward to, but that too….is life.